So, I read a quote yesterday :
I don't know if you have ever heard the story when Colombus discoverd America, the Indians didn't 'saw' the ship. I don't know why but this quote reminds me of this story. It's kinda crazy. I don't think it is possible that they really did not saw that ship. It has rather to do with interpretation. They could not interpret it because they had never seen a ship (that big) before. So, I think they actually saw the ship but did not know what it was so did not worry about it. Not worry about it, not set any alarm. Anyway, I'm not that good at history haha. I just thought it was something interesting to think about. The human brain, how your senses work and why they work that way.
So to go on with the actual quote, "normal is an illusion"... That, I agree with. To take it a little theoretical, an illusion is a false idea of reality. The image that we see is based on our observations trough the senses and the processing of all those signals in the brain. In a lesson filosophy I once saw, I've learned that normal is indeed an illusion because, what you see is not what I see.. even if we look at the same picture for example. Test it! Let a few people look at the same picture en ask to write down, let's say 3 things they see. Then hide the picture and let those people tell what they saw. Look at the picture again, the chance is big someone else saw something you didn't. There are so many things we don't see but things that are actually right in front of us. Weird don't you think?
Normal is what the society tells you to be, wants you to be. Normal is related to a bunch of rules, what you can and can't do. Society expects you to behave the way THEY want you to behave. If you're not acting the way they want you to act, you are abnormal. So, what is abnormal? Anything or anyone that does not meet the standards? With all the rules? People with disabilities, abnormal? Homosexuals, abnormal? Eatingdisorder, abnormal? Fat people, abnormal? Gypsy, not normal? So, if you agree to all of that, you can say your grandmother is abnormal too. Why? She doesn't has a job, is not fit anymore, forgets alot, doesn't hear or see good,... Great! If you think that way, click my page away, please. I can not stand people who think that way, people who can not think out of the box. Like my mother said, in stead of thinking outside the box, get rid of the box! Stop putting labels on people. Nobody is actually abnormal because everything and everyone has his or her reasons for living the way they do. Even if they do not know why at the moment, once they will.
A lot of people try to match the standard. They are scared to be who they are, afraid to lose their friends, but what kinda friends you have if they do not accept you for who you are? Well, those people are not friends. I am going to say something that is hard : 'being youself is like a taboo'... When you walk down the street and see someone with blue hair, a lether jacket, boots with spikes on it, what would you think? What's the first thing that comes in to your mind? I know what it is for most people: omg, check this guy.. he's so weird!! Well, no! He is the only one in that street being himself and dares to be himself. I think creative people, artists are the section of all people that dare to be themselves the most. I don't know if it's really is that way, but that's my opinion for now. And also I think those creative people, artists have the most problems emotionally, searching for themselves. I sometimes think they think they're not "normal" (ahum). Anyway, I love creative people. Lot's of fun and mostly very interesting conversations, very open minded. That's my experience. :)
It's hard I think, to be yourself and don't care what other people think about you. Because everybody judges and gets judged. You can call that normal haha. No, I mean that's the way of life. First impression, a lot of people stick with that and don't even try to get to know the person. I have a lot of respect for those who live their life and don't care what others think of them. I sometimes wonder, does that really exists? That kinda people? If they do, well then respect! You my dear, if you live that way, I'm your biggest fan and I mean that. Straight from the heart! Keep on living your life that way ♥!
Don't you think it's kinda creepy everybody ( or most people ) want to be 'normal', they all want to act the same way, think the same way,... Fortunately we are not all attracted to the same people(for a relationship), that would be a mess haha. That means we are all different and different is normal. That's a prove we are not the same and we don't need to be all the same.
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