donderdag 31 juli 2014

Social Media

Hi there!

So, straight to the point: I'm a faker! Haha. oh yes I am.

So now I have the attention of the ladies haha, I can tell you the story :) A friend of mine has deleted her facebook account and created a new one. This instead of deleting a lot of people manually, because that takes a lot of time!!

She told me how good it felt to 'start over '. How stupid it may sound to some, but deleting a facebook account can be hard. It's like an addiction and sort of safety that you know you are never alone because there is always someone online, someone to talk to. But it you think it trough, how many of all those people are really your friends?

Her act made me think about it. I began to find it creepy how many people can actually look into my life and how many they know of me. All those people and only a few really matter to me. They don't need to know all sorts of stuff about me. I never see most of them, don't talk to them anymore..

So, I did the same thing my friend did. I deleted my facebook. Created a new one and added the people who really matter to me. So now I have like 34 friends, and ok, not all of them are my best friends haha, but there's family and family of my boyfriend :)

A day after I've got 10 friend requests, and half of them don't matter to me. Now you see, how many curious people there are on the planet haha :p just to see what you do in life, to see pictures of you etc. But ooooh nooo, they are not entering my 'life' again. Facebook = part of life. Social media is just crazy!!

Nowadays you know everything about anyone! Just by social media. That's one of the reasons I blog
anonymous :) haha.

Shocked? Well I'm not!

Talking about social media and internet. Kids these days, If I walk down the street, I sometimes see children playing in the street, but when I was younger ( I'm 20 haha ) I was outside every fucking day! Summer and winter. I had a computer but I didn't know how to use that, because I played outside with my friends!! Now they need computer, telephone ( and not a cheap one! ), playstation, Xbox, Ipad, gameboy nintendo shit :p I had a skipping -rope, marbles, a ball, and actually not so much more. We were creative and played hide and seek and these kinda things. At 7 AM my neighbours (two girls) were ringing at the door if I was ready to play :) gooooood memories ♥

The picture above, I see that a lot, pity.


♥ lots of love 

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