Long time no blog! Well, not a decent blog with much words in it :p
I want to 'let go' my anger right now. I hope it helps!
As I said, I'm studying for a teacher. It is a one-year training. I have a diploma of secondary education, namely, as educator.
This week I had to go to my internship place to settle. All administrative matters (Hours, contracts, ...) When I got there they asked me what my previous training was. Youth and disabled care in secundary school. On their faces I could already see that this was not good enough for them, they had a bachelor's or master's degree in mind I guess. Then I heard lots of nasty things The two mentors were talking to each other, about how stupid it is to have someone like me to do this training. I did not even prove myself as a teacher yet.
They have not seen me teach, they just went off on my previous training and diploma!
They asked questions like: "Can you actually teach? Can you make a lesson? "Then that one mentor said, "If you fail then I will take action, and you can sit back in your place."
Right? I was really pissed off for all the things they said. Thanks y'all! For giving me no fucking chance at all.
But I'm gonna prove them wrong. I'm gonna show them that I can teach!
Yeah, maybe they will change their minds and think, waaw, that kid with 'just' her diploma from secundary school, she's gonna be a good teacher!
Or maybe they don't change their minds, maybe I'm not a good teacher... But nobody know's untill they give me a chance.
But to be honest, I think I can! Everybody in my class has certain qualities, things only they are good in. Something of their own. Something that makes their lessons good and fun.
I have that 'something' too! I'm very enthousiast and 'alive' when I teach. Always with a smile.
And another thing they said was that I haven't got the know-how of everyhing, the know-how of the theory I'm teaching.
Ok, I'm young, thats true. But that doesn't mean I'm stupid! I love teaching, I love explaining things and helping children to learn something new. I'm used to work with children, in other conditions, but children are children and I know how to bring fun and joy in my lessons. Or, thats what I think I do haha.
And so, on my way back home, I complained to the busdriver haha. He was very friendly and listend to all my complaining haha. It was a 40 minute drive to the station so, I really could not sit there quitly on the bus thinking of what those people said. Luckely, the busdriver on the way home, was the same guy of the way to my internship!
So, thank you busdriver! |